CMC used in the education started way back in the 1980s and 1990s with the introduction of CALL. It was spread with the spreading of Email and Forums (Google "what is Forums"). There are 2 types of CMC which are Asynchronous CMC and Synchronous CMC. First, let's talk about Asynchronous CMC. Asynchronous CMC is a type of CMC where the communication is not synchronized. The messages are not replied immediately. Emails, social media (from stone aged era, I don't know, I'm from Facebook-Twitter generation), internet forums and messages board (again, please google "What is messages board?") and blogs.
Next is Synchronous CMC. It is a type of CMC that synchronised the communication between participants. The messages are often can be exchanged and replied immediately (though you always got blueticked by your crush). It also allows direct communication that is used through Intenet chat rooms, messenger or video/audio conference.
Through CMC, long distance learning becomes easier. Video conferencing and E-tutoring are used widely. With these, E-lectures also become popular. Collaborative learning has also become a part of CMC. Google Doc, Google Drive, etc. ,has become the place to do this learning.
CMC has many advantages such as there are no such thing as distance barrier and makes the collaboration becomes easier. However, its disadvantages are the problems with accessing the technology and also lacking of real human contact.
So this is all. Ciaooooo !