Wazzappppppppppp readers ! I hope you are reading this post in the greatest of health. Previous post has touched on the introduction of CALL. So this post will talk about the evolution of CALL. There are 3 types of progression or evolution in CALL which are Behaviouristic CALL, Communicative CALL and Integrated CALL. First, let's talk about Behaviouristic CALL. It was developed in 1960s mainly used for audio-lingual method. One of its most popular event is The Stanford Project. The advantages of using this method are the repetition, the immediate feedback, can be used outside of the classroom and efficient record keeping. However, its disadvantage is it will make the students become passive responders.
Next is Communicative CALL. It is developed in the 1970s to 1980s. This method is focusing mainly on the usage of language rather than perfect grammar. It also allows students to generate their own original utterances. Computer is majorly used as a tutor. Some of the examples of this type of CALL are language games, text reconstructions and pronunciation practice. The advantages of using this type of CALL are it is cheap, it emphasises on students' performance and greater student involvement.
Lastly, Integrated CALL. It is based on real world materials. It became popular with the development of high speed internet. Hypermedia is also a part of Integrated CALL. Hypermedia is an extension of hypermarket that includes both interactive and non interactive media.
As a conclusion, CALL will keep on evolving along with the evolution of the technology. So that's all for this post. Chiaoooooo
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